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Filling out the Self

I have embarked on a journey of fulfilling the relationship of spiritual experience and me, the person. I want to start these notes of my understanding, learnings, and filling out with spirit of my experience as a human being.

My first experience of spiritual awakening was through the Hindo-Buddhist tradition of Advaita, that of realising Non-Duality as One self. The experience catapulted me out of my mind, and I was at home with my Self, with Life, and out of the psychological separateness and loneliness that had plagued me since childhood.

Fast forward to now. Much had happened since my spiritual experience of 20 years ago, I had followed a teacher of enlightenment, been part of a group of inspired souls who were intent on collective enlightenment, and now by my self exploring the Mindfulness-based practises developed through the Mindfulness-Based Stress Redduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) programs. Secular programs with roots in Buddhism, and developed with psychology and neuroscience.

I am writing these notes to share, of myself discovering and filling out this space between the no-self (Advaita’s goal of non-duality) and that of living with human senses, intuition and dreams, and being part of nature.



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